BC Hydro

is building two parallel 230-kilovolt power lines between the Site C Substation that’s under construction near Fort St. John and the existing Groundbirch Substation, located about 30 km east of Chetwynd. Fraserway Prekast will produce Deadman Anchors required for the project.

Upgrades at both substations will be completed, building new access roads and upgrading existing access roads.

Custom manufacture of deadman anchors

Fraserway Prekast has been contracted by Voltage Power to manufacture 505 Deadman Anchors for the Peace Region Electrical Supply. We are producing between up to 30 anchors each week. Project production began in September of 2019 and completion of all 505 pieces is estimated by mid-March 2020.

Custom designed and approved by BC Hydro

The deadman anchors are used to anchor the H-Framed transmission towers to the ground. They are buried 3.5 metres deep and connected to the transmission towers with a threaded steel rod and then backfilled to ensure the stability of the line.

We designed the custom formwork for the casting of the custom pieces and outsourced the construction of the forms to one of our local fabricators.

Through the process, we had to work with BC Hydro Quality Department to have them qualify our facility to be approved for this BC Hydro project. We were able to satisfy all of the requirements laid out to us by BC Hydro and were accepted as a BC Hydro Precast Concrete Supplier.

If your company is looking for a custom precast concrete solution, we have a full team including an in-house CAD specialist to help design your project requirements. Contact Mike Savage at 604-534-2911 for details.