Civil Utility Products
We have civil utility and concrete vault products for projects requiring water, electrical, gas and communication utilities.
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Service Boxes
Many different utilities are delivered to small concrete boxes of varying sizes. Water, Gas, Power or Communications are all examples of services that would require a Meter Box.
Service Boxes
Communication Pads
Most high speed communications lines end up in a termination box of some type. These boxes likely end up on a concrete pad. Fraserway Prekast Ltd. has the ability to provide standard or custom communications pads.
Communication Pads
Vaults & Junction Boxes
Whether you are looking for smaller pull pits for that electrical installation or a large water meter chamber for your project, chances are Fraserway Prekast Ltd. has a vault or junction box to fill your needs.
Vaults & Junction Boxes
Communications Manhole
Bell – CP Rail Project Doghouse Communications Manhole. CP Rail Commissioner Street Rail Expansion Project. Designed to E90 Rail Live Loading and Manufactured in accordance with CSA A23.4
Communications Manhole